Logo & colour code
CMYK: 0 / 100 / 96 / 0
RGB: 226 / 6 / 19
HEX: #ed1c28
This logo brands and identifies official Swiss Polar Institute Foundation projects and content.
Third parties can use it to provide credit to the Foundation.
The following variations are also possible:
Minimum length: 17 mm, 50 px.
Minimum protection area: letter height
Guidelines for use
The Swiss Polar Institute logo itself is the property of the Swiss Polar Institute Foundation and is subjected to CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
Third parties may use the Swiss Polar Institute’s logo, provided all the following conditions are met:
1. General usage
The logo can only be used to point to the Swiss Polar Institute or to give credit. When used with a link on a web page, it should point to the URL www.swisspolar.ch.
2. Prominence and placement
You will visualise and promote your own branding more prominently than you use the Swiss Polar Institute’s logo. The Swiss Polar Institute’s logo only can be used as a secondary logo, which means it must be clear for an average viewer that this is not an official Swiss Polar Institute Foundation website or content. Please do not use Swiss Polar Institute’s logo as your own logo.
The Swiss Polar Institute logo can be placed among other logos, for example when crediting various partnerships and funding provenance. Please respect the minimum gap required between the logos as per the guidelines above.
3. Modification
The logo must be used unaltered, according to the guidelines above, in original colours, original typography and without any additions or enhancements.
4. Commercial use
The use of the Swiss Polar Institute’s logo is not permitted for commercial purposes. Showing the Swiss Polar Institute’s logo on film credits or on marketing material for an event or content (exhibition, theatre play, etc.) sponsored by the Swiss Polar Institute is not considered commercial use.
If you have further questions or doubts, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you very much for your collaboration.
The SPI Team