Funded projects & services
Click on the pictures below to access more information about the projects and services:
SPI Flagship Initiative: PAMIR Project, 2022-2026 | Photo by Jason Klimatsas
Autonomous Deployment of GNSS Stations on Polar Outlet Glaciers Using a Long-Range, Tilt-Wing UAV. Thomas Stastny, ETH Zurich, 2021 | Photo by Thomas Stastny
UV-DNA-Tech: a technology to unravel microbial distributional patterns and activity in glaciers. Gilda Varliero, WSL, 2023 | Photo by Gilda Varliero
Modelling Spatio-temporal Transformations of Glacial Moulins. Max Polzin, EPFL, 2022 | Photo by Kenneth Kuan
Training course for glaciated terrain, in collaboration with GRIMM (Mountain medical intervention group) | Photo by Anita Feierabend
SPI Flagship Initiative: PAMIR Project, 2022-2026 | Photo by Jason Klimatsas
Risk of cardiac arrhythmias at extreme altitude. Thomas Pilgrim, University of Bern, 2023 | Photo by Thomas Pilgrim
oBsErving debuttRessinG (BERG): the impact of glacier mass loss on slope stability at Portage Glacier. Jane Walden, ETH Zurich, 2023 | Photo by Raphael Moser
Intertwined Destinies, Glaciers and their companion species. PolARTS tandem Maëlle Cornut & Gianalberto Losapio, University of Lausanne, 2023 | Photo by Maëlle Cornut
Coupled biogeochemical cycles of Fe and C during redox cycling in Fe-rich wetland soils of Iceland. Laurel ThomasArrigo, ETH Zürich, 2020 | Photo by Laurel ThomasArrigo
Filling the high-Arctic gap in Europe-wide plant re-distributions during the Anthropocene. Sabine Rumpf, University of Basel,2023 | Photo by Marcel Schütz/University of Basel
Health & safety training courses in collaboration with GRIMM (Mountain medical intervention group) | Photo by Marie Schumann