This event is the annual gathering of the Swiss polar science community and includes national and international keynotes, networking opportunities and updates on recent developments in polar research.
The Swiss Polar Day 2024 will be held in Fribourg. The event will be catered and will allow ample time for networking during the coffee and lunch breaks, as well as during the drink closing the day. You will find the detailed programme below.
Please note that registrations are now closed. We thank you for your understanding and we look forward to seeing you in Fribourg!
09:30–10:00 Registration & welcome coffee
10:00–10:20 Opening & welcome
by Katharina Fromm, Rector of University of Fribourg with SPI representatives
10:20–11:05 Keynote
Frozen memories of past eruptions reveal the global risks of future ones
by Michael Sigl, University of Bern
11:05–11:20 Presentation by APECS Switzerland
11:20–12:20 Open Forum
12:20–13:50 Lunch & networking
13:50–14:40 Open Forum continued
14:40–14:50 SPI News regarding services, sustainability, and open calls among others
14:50–15:15 International collaborations
Antarctica InSync: Taking the pulse of the Southern Ocean and Antarctica
by Alexander Haumann, AWI
15:15–15:45 Coffee break
15:45–16:30 Keynote
Ice and snow from space – How satellite data help us monitor climate and the cryosphere
by Anna Maria Trofaier, European Space Agency
16:30–16:40 Acquiring satellite data for research
by Claudia Röösli, Swiss National Point of Contact for satellite images, University of Zurich
16:40–17:25 Keynote
Extreme sailing and climate research during the Vendée Globe race
by Oliver Heer, Oliver Heer Ocean Racing, Thomas Frölicher, University of Bern, Samuel Jaccard, University of Lausanne
17:25–17:30 Conclusion & thank you by SPI
17:30–19:00 Networking drink