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Participation in International Remote Sensing Summer School 2024

Gabriela Racz


Université de Lausanne - UNIL

Lay summary

Description of the programme

The training programme at the International Remote Sensing Summer School included a mix of theoretical lectures and practical exercises, such as UAV-based photogrammetry, proximal sensing systems, spectral-radiometry, and geophysical exploration.
The programme provided comprehensive coverage of remote sensing techniques, fostering a deep understanding of the subject matter. It also offered practical applications in a real-world setting, ensuring participants gained valuable hands-on experience.
What I really appreciated was the inclusion of lectures from experts working in national and regional institutes, not just academia, showcasing diverse career opportunities for those interested in this field.

How did you benefit from the programme?

With a background in applied mathematics and glaciology, I have extensive experience in modelling and fieldwork, but I have never taken a remote sensing course during my studies. This Summer School provided a great overview of various remote and proximal sensing techniques and challenges associated with each one. For my current work, lectures and data processing of UAV photogrammetry and LiDAR surveys was extremely beneficial. Also, learning about proximal sensing systems, especially the application of time-lapse cameras in monitoring glacier surface displacement, directly aligns with my future research goals. Finally, this school gave me an opportunity to meet people working at Fondazione Montagna Sicura and opened doors for potential collaborations, particularly regarding the Planpincieux glacier.

What were the highlights of the training?

The highlight for me were field trip to Miage Glacier, the visit to the high-altitude observation deck of Punta Helbronner, and the tour of the Planpincieux Glacier and Whymper serac observatory. These experiences combined practical learning with stunning scenery and insights from experts. Interacting with leading researchers and participating in field trips provided a unique learning environment. We also got the opportunity to learn about challenges that experts are facing in communicating their findings to the local community.

Would you recommend the programme to other students?

Yes, I would recommend this programme to other people interested in this topic. The programme covered a range of remote and proximal sensing techniques and offered a perfect balance between theoretical knowledge and practical experience. It provided a unique opportunity to learn from experts and gain hands-on experience during field trips and data processing sessions. The programme also provided excellent networking opportunities and insights into diverse career paths in applied research outside of academia. The only weakness, in my opinion, was the limited presence of female lecturers, which could be improved to offer a more balanced perspective.


Watch a video about this summer school here!!


Regional focus High-altitude
Location Courmayeur, Italy
Funded amount 843 CHF
Project dates 17th June 2024 – 21st June 2024
Category Field and Summer Schools
remote sensing, terrestrial monitoring, earth observations, alpine environments, alpine hazards