About SPI Flagship Initiatives

SPI Flagship Initiatives are multi-annual programmes combining science and technology projects from different disciplines and different groups/institutions in Switzerland around a polar focus region. The funding is focused on field campaigns (logistics, safety, etc.), data management, outreach, and programme coordination, thus providing temporary infrastructure for a Swiss-led polar research programme.

Further information can be found in the detailed description of the SPI Flagship Initiatives framework and scope provided in the SPI Flagship Initiatives – Call for Proposals. Please feel free to reach out to secretariat@swisspolar.ch if you have any questions.


The 2025 call for SPI Flagship Initiatives pre-proposals is now open

The second call for proposals for SPI Flagship Initiatives starts with the call for pre-proposals to be submitted by 30 April 2025.

3 February Call for proposals opens - download call document here
6 & 11 February  Online information events - register here
30 April Pre-proposal submission deadline
mid-June Written feedback to applicants
8 October Proposal submission deadline
December Notification of applicants

Applicants should submit their pre-proposal using the SPI online application platform.


Current SPI Flagship Initiatives (2022-2026)

The first two SPI Flagship Initiatives began their work in early 2022. The two selected programmes are:

From ice to microorganisms and humans: Toward an interdisciplinary understanding of climate change impacts on the Third Pole.
PIs:  Prof. Martin Hölzle (University of Fribourg) and Dr. Francesca Pellicciotti (WSL/ISTA) 

Swiss partner institutions*: EPFL, UniBe, ETHZ, WSL, UniFr, PSI, UZH, UniGe

Programme Homepage: https://pamir-project.ch
Press Release: "1.5 million Swiss francs for cryospheric research in Central Asia"

Greenlandic Fjord ecosystems in a changing climate: Socio-cultural and environmental interactions
PI: Prof. Julia Schmale (EPFL)
Swiss Partner institutions*EPFL, UniL, ETHZ, WSL, UZH

Programme Homepage: https://greenfjord-project.ch
Press Release: "New research programme will study fjord ecosystems in Greenland"

*’partner institutions involves institutions of PI, sub-PI, and other participants 

Both SPI Flagship Initiatives are implementing ambitious science programmes from 2022 - 2026.