The work programmes for the period 2018 to 2020 of Horizon 2020 – Europe’s largest research funding programme – have been released. The different papers, defining funding opportunities by theme, reveal where the priorities will be. We are glad to note that polar research has not been left out.
The work programme on Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials seems particularly promising for polar scientists. Climatologists, glaciologists, oceanographers or biologists doing science in high latitudes might want to take a closer look at the document, climate and the changing cryosphere being two of the hot topics.
However, natural scientists are not the only ones to be targeted by the calls for proposals. Engineering new technologies for Arctic and Antarctic regions will be another priority in the coming years. Finally, social sciences are part of the package too, with a focus on the increasing impact of polar communities on their environment.
Find more information on Horizon 2020 and the new work programmes here. If you need help with your application, contact the Euresearch office of your institution or their head office in Bern and if you are simply looking for new opportunities, check out their opportunity finder.