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  • SPI Events

flüchtiges eis, nachrichten von morgen

"flüchtiges eis, nachrichten von morgen" is a contemporary revue, an atmospheric digital event that tells of dying giants, but also of a future with a future. For over a year, a complicity around the PolARTS (Art Meets Polar Science) tandem of Sabine Harbeke and Margit Schwikowski has been dealing transdisciplinarily with ice core research, melting glaciers and the climate crisis, talking about the redistribution of values and designing alternatives.

Launch of the SPI Flagship Initiatives

Bern , Switzerland

The official launch of the SPI Flagship Initiatives and their field campaign will be held on 18 May 2022 at 17:00, in Bern. The official scientific programmes and their expected impacts will be presented at this occasion.

Swiss Social and Human Sciences in the Circumpolar Regions – 4th Annual Colloquium

Palais de Rumine Place de la Riponne 6, Lausanne, Switzerland

Save the date for this event co-organised by the Swiss Polar Institute and Yvon Csonka, that will take place on 16 May 2022. The colloquium is targeted at Swiss SHS researchers interested in circumpolar regions. Specific focus will be put on opportunities for collaboration and networking. The event will take place in Lausanne, at the Palais de Rumine.

Annual APECS Switzerland Member Meeting


This year's APECS Switzerland Member Meeting takes place during the International Polar Week. We invite you to save the date for Thursday 24 March, 16:00-18:00 CET. There will be presentations from APECS members covering a range of research topics, and discussions/networking activities.

Workshop – Co-production of knowledge


This workshop will be dedicated to Polar Access Fund grantees and other early-career researchers about the co-production of knowledge. We will discuss best practices and practical tips for scientists from all disciplines wishing to share and integrate knowledge through their projects.

Information & brainstorming event – Konrad Steffen Grant


The Information & brainstorming event will be held via Zoom on 16 December 2021, 14:00 – 15:00.  During this event, the Swiss Polar Institute (SPI) and the Greenland Research Council (NIS) will explain the concept of the Konrad Steffen Grant and present more concrete potential topics, based on relevant research questions for Greenland. Participants will be asked to brainstorm around these topics in smaller groups, and to suggest additional topics within Natural Hazards if applicable.

Art x Science Dialogues – Polar Science and Art

The Art x Science Dialogues is a webinar series initiated by Swissnex in China in 2020. The webinar series is dedicated to the dialogues between artists and scientists, and tries to stimulate the exchange of ideas between the two different worlds and explore opportunities for collaboration. In this edition Seraina Rohrer, […]

PolARTS matchmaking event


The SPI and Pro Helvetia, the Swiss Arts Council, co-organise a matchmaking event in view of participating in the PolARTS call for proposals 2021 (currently open). Polar scientists who are interested in art-science collaboration and/or in search of a tandem partner from the arts community are invited to take part […]

Prix de Quervain 2021

Swiss Alpine Museum Helvetiaplatz 4, Bern, Switzerland

The award for the Prix de Quervain 2021 will be given on 18 November at the Alpine Museum in Bern. The prize will be awarded jointly by the "Swiss Commission for Polar and High Altitude Research" of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences (A+), the "Swiss Commission for the […]

The Arctic in a Changing Climate: First results of the Russian-Swiss-German expedition “Arctic Century”

Welcoming words  Ambassador of Switzerland to Russia, Krystyna Marty Lang Ambassador of Germany to Russia, Géza Andreas von Geyr Prof. Dr. Aleksandr Makarov, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute St. Petersburg (AARI), tbc Speakers Dr. Heidemarie Kassens, Chairman Marine Working Group of the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre […]

Swiss Polar Day 2021

Palais de Rumine Place de la Riponne 6, Lausanne, Switzerland

Afternoon Session: Morning Session: The Swiss Polar Day is the annual networking event for the Swiss polar and high-altitude research community. For the edition 2021, on Friday 1 October, we cordially invite you to a day of presentations, discussions and updates on Swiss polar science. International and Swiss speakers will […]