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  • SPI Events

Swiss Polar Day 2.0

University of Zurich KOH-B-10, Zurich, Switzerland

The Swiss Polar Institute invites you to participate in its next event. The Swiss Polar Day is the annual networking event for the Swiss polar and high-altitude research community. Please book the date in your diary for the Swiss Polar Day 2.0 on 16 October 2020 from 15:00 - 17:00 […]

Swiss Polar Institute Lunch Briefing

UNIL campus University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland

SPI organises a briefing at the University of Lausanne (UNIL) to present its activities and polar research opportunities for Master’s students and researchers from all career stages. The event will take place in room 1612, Géopolis Building. This presentation will be in "co-modal", to allow participation from the people who […]

Polar Social Sciences & Humanities: Spotlight on Swiss Research

Swiss Academy of Human and Social Sciences Laupenstrasse 7, Bern, Switzerland

Aims of the workshop Provide a forum for exchange for the Swiss SSH community active in polar regions, create a new dynamic for joint projects or interdisciplinary collaborations, find out about possible unmet needs and potential support Programme  10:00 – 10:30    Welcome & Coffee 10:30 – 10:55     Introduction by Yvon […]

Night Polaire

Musée de la Main Rue du Bugnon 21, Lausanne, Switzerland

The Musée de la Main organises a special event on polar regions with inputs on different topics such as the role of polar regions on the global climate, the growing fascination with these regions attracting more and more adventure seeking travellers or northern lights. Contributions from Samuel Jaccard, Professor of […]

Arts meet Polar Science – networking & discussions

Cabaret Voltaire Spiegelgasse 1, Zurich, Switzerland

Pro Helvetia and the SPI have jointly launched a pilot project named PolARTS. PolARTS will support three tandems consisting of a polar scientist and an arts practitioner in order to offer a new platform for the interplay between art and science. More information on the programme can be found here. Polar […]

Polar Access Fund Event

BNP Paribas (Suisse) Place de Hollande 2, Geneva, Switzerland

Speed meeting event for BNP Paribas’ collaborators with the Polar Access Fund grantees, followed by a workshop and the unveiling of a thematic exhibition on polar field trips. Co-organised by BNP Paribas Foundation Switzerland.

Round table Swiss – AWI collaboration

EPFL campus Lausanne, Switzerland

Round table and exchange between EPFL/Swiss researchers and AWI Director Antje Boetius, about Swiss – AWI collaboration and future common opportunities

Too close for comfort? Embedded science journalism in extreme environments

SwissTech Convention Center EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

Poles, oceans, pandemics: Science reporters are inevitably attracted by extreme environments. But reporting under such circumstances involves special relationships and risks between scientists, physicians, agencies, and journalists. Working in places that are dangerous or difficult to access often means science reporters must depend on sources for travel, accommodation, food, and […]

Swiss Polar Day 2019

University of Bern Schanzeneckstrasse 1, Bern, Switzerland

The Swiss Polar Day gathers the Swiss scientific community around international keynote speakers active in the Arctic, Antarctic and high-altitude regions. It will also be the opportunity to debate and give inputs on SPI’s activities and future priorities. The one-day conference is open to all active or aspiring members of the Swiss academic […]

SPI Information Event

WSL Davos, Switzerland

Information event on SPI activities and calls for proposals, dedicated to SLF and WSL researchers.

GlobalArctic workshop

EPFL campus Lausanne, Switzerland

Workshop presenting the GlobalArctic programme and associated training opportunities to interested researchers.