Articles by: admin
ACE Maritime University: a shaky start…
Just after leaving Bremerhaven, the Akademik Treshnikov met Angus, a storm that swept through south-eastern England bringing some very strong south-westerly winds and heavy rain on Sunday morning. Pablo Rodríguez Ros, one of ACE Maritime University students, provides an overview on his blog, Super Science Me: “The first days of […]
Read MorePhotos of the first two days at sea
Le grand moment du départ…
Après avoir passé quelques jours sur le navire à quai, le moment de larguer les amarres est arrivé. A 22h00, la passerelle est remontée et fixée sur le bord du bastingage. La sirène tonne le départ, et l’Akademik Treshnikov est tiré par un bateau pilote vers le large. Avant de […]
Read MorePrendre la mer pour mieux l’étudier
Le 19 novembre 2016, l’Akademik Treshnikov, quittait le port de Bremerhaven, en Allemagne, pour une expédition vers les eaux tumultueuses de l’Atlantique, en direction du pôle Sud. À bord de ce brise-glace russe de 134 mètres de long conçu pour l’exploration polaire, près de 22 projets scientifiques seront menés au […]
Read MoreA temporary, floating university to study the oceans
Saturday, the Akademik Treshnikov, a Russian research vessel, left northern Germany for Cape Town, South Africa. On board, 50 students will expand their knowledge in the marine sciences. This transit voyage is called the ACE Maritime University. The ship will then embark on the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE), a three-month […]
Read MoreACE Maritime University: a few hours before the departure…
Preparations are well under way for the ACE Maritime University. Moored in Bremerhaven, in northern Germany, the impressive Russian scientific vessel Akademik Treshnikov is being loaded with foodstuffs and technical equipment. Here, a Swiss athmospheric sciences container, cornflakes and zodiacs… On Saturday November 19, at night, the boat will set sail with […]
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