
Impressions, anecdotes and experiences from the field. Authors are beneficiaries of SPI funding. The posts present the authors’ reflections of their field experiences.

Tracing past interglacial South Greenland Ice Sheet extent using meltwater sediment samples – Anne Sofie Søndergaard

Ice mass loss from Greenland has accelerated over the last few decades and it has recently been predicted that Greenland could become ice free in the next millennium. During past interglacial periods, when global mean temperatures reached values larger than today, the Greenland Ice Sheet was most likely smaller than […]

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MoMuCAMS – A new platform to understand the vertical dispersion of aerosol particles and trace gases in the lower atmosphere – Julia Schmale

MoMuCAMS stands for Modular, Multiplatform-Compatible Air Measurement System. Behind what at first seems like a mouthful, lies what may appear as a simple box carrying a set of instruments (Fig. 2). The truth is more complex than that… It all started in May 2020 in the Extreme Environments Research Lab […]

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Mackenzie Delta Lake sediments – Records of recent permafrost thaw? – Lisa Bröder

Arctic rivers and their deltas are increasingly impacted by the rapid changes the Northern regions are currently facing. The Canadian Northwest Territories have witnessed dramatic increases in temperature and precipitation over the last decade, leading to widespread thawing of previously frozen soils (permafrost). To investigate whether this changing climate has […]

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